What a Creep Season 20, Episode: May’s biggest creeps

It’s getting towards Memorial Day here in the States, and Sonia is celebrating by heading out to San Diego to see Lizzo! So today, we are offering a Patreon-ish bonus ep covering May’s creepy news (so far!) Get ready to get your rage on!

First, RIP Tina Turner! (1939-2013)

We talked about her her ex-husband’s overall ickiness in this episode.

We want to remember her for her badassery. Heaven just got a little more rockin’!

Creeps in the news!

Ten more women of abuse accuse Chris D’Elia! (Daily Beast) Yet, the asshole is still planning to tour this summer! (We will contact those venues via social media if you want to join us.)

“Meatball” Ron De(Sanctimonious!) – If anything unites us with Trumpers it’s our hatred for Ron DeSantis. So maybe there is hope for the Middle East? The little go-go boots-wearing troll is running for President. (Rolling Stone, Politico)

Target becomes the latest company to suffer backlash for LGBTQ+ support, pulls some Pride Month clothing. (AP News)

Dodgers reinvite Sisters to Pride Night (New York Times)

People fear Pride Parades this year because of right-wing threats. (Rolling Stone)

Fox News Host Calls Teacher’s Alleged Statutory Rape of Her Male Student ‘Heroic‘. “Am I right to say it’s an unfair comparison to do the female-to-male teacher?” said Greg Gutfeld. “Like, a male teacher, 38-year-old, creepy. Female, heroic. (Jezebel)

Alex Murdaugh charged with 22 more federal charges of fraud (HuffPost)

Jan 6th Rioter who put his feet on the desk of Nancy Pelosi charged with 4.5 years. (Washington Post)

Shakira Is ‘Begging’ Tom Cruise to Stop Hitting on Her (Vulture)


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